Pop Levi - Semi Babe
ideia genial...
se tiverem dificuldades com a sincronização, vão até a este link:
deixo aqui os dois clip para vocês se divertirem... instruções no inicio de cada um.
se tiverem dificuldades com a sincronização, vão até a este link:
deixo aqui os dois clip para vocês se divertirem... instruções no inicio de cada um.
Kraak & Smack - squeeze me
Realizado por Andre Maat, o vídeo de "Squeeze Me" dos holandeses Kraak & Smack é um brilhante teledisco que nos relembra a técnica da ilusão imagem a imagem.
A música... essa é super viciante e é parte integrante do novo longa duração Plastic People.
Awesome Color - free man

Esta "Free Man" faz parte do homónimo 1º álbum dos americanos Awesome Color, editado em 2006. Em 2008 a banda regressou aos discos com "Electric Aborigines", mas como no youtube não há videos decentes com músicas deste novo álbum, ficam com uma do 1º álbum para terem uma ideia do som da banda. Muito rock... e muito psicadelismo, é isto que o povo quer!!!!
Big Ideas (don't get any)
Big Ideas (don't get any) from James Houston on Vimeo.
Radiohead held an online contest to remix "Nude" from their album - "In Rainbows" This was quite a difficult task for everybody that entered, as Nude is in 6/8 timing, and 63bpm. Most music that's played in clubs is around 120bpm and usually 4/4 timing. It's pretty difficult to seamlessly mix a waltz beat into a DJ set.
This resulted in lots of generic entries consisting of a typical 4/4 beat, but with arbitrary clips from "Nude" thrown in so that they qualified for the contest.
Thom Yorke joked at the ridiculousness of it in an interview for NPR radio, hinting that they set the competition to find out how people would approach such a challenging task.
I decided to take the piss a bit, as the contest seemed to be in that spirit.
Based on the lyric (and alternate title) "Big Ideas: Don't get any" I grouped together a collection of old redundant hardware, and placed them in a situation where they're trying their best to do something that they're not exactly designed to do, and not quite getting there.
It doesn't sound great, as it's not supposed to.
I missed the contest deadline, so I'm offering it here for you to enjoy.
Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Guitars (rhythm & lead)
Epson LX-81 Dot Matrix Printer - Drums
HP Scanjet 3c - Bass Guitar
Hard Drive array - Act as a collection of bad speakers - Vocals & FX
The Rip Portishead Thom Jonny Again
Thom and Jonny cover Portishead's "The Rip" and it is simply amazing.
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